Banji is a fresh as f*ck Netherlands-based foursome. Listening to their songs, you might envision them as the musical embodiment of dangling necklaces, loose fit dungarees, 8-bit arcade and ironic thrift shop finds.

The quartet has created its own hybrid of pop, R&B, wobbly synth-driven electro funk, distorted vocals and in your face licks. Banji’s look and feel in a few keywords? Playful, young at heart, colourful and rebellious. With debut single Listen – a joint production with Jeroen de Pessemier (The Subs, producer for Oscar & The Wolf), mixed by Mucky (Fresku, Sevdaliza) – the band birthed an anthem appealing to anyone with an ear for outspoken, catchy guitar melodies. The result of the above? A band that reaches audiences throughout many different genres. Support slots for DI-RECT, Balthazar and Vampire Weekend are the evidence of this diversity. Banji is ready to kick ass.
so yeah, as you probably noticed we made this website ourselves. if you notice any bugs or flaws, please consider streaming our music more frequently so we can hire a real developer to fix the sloppy coding.
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